This is my second year participating in Cool Tools and I am very excited. I really enjoyed this program last year and am looking forward to learning new things! I am however going to try using a new blogging tool this year, for a few reasons. One of the reasons for trying a new tool this year is that as an Instructional Technology Resource Teacher, I feel that I should really try to have a somewhat working knowledge of as many tools as possible so that I can help our teachers decide what tools will work best for them and their students/classrooms.
Another reason for choosing to use a different blogging tool this year - I want to learn all about the Google blog. Prior to last year, I had never blogged before and at the time, I chose WordPress for my blog. A couple of my friends used the site so I was somewhat familiar with This year I have chosen to learn Blogger because our district has "bought" into Google apps for Education. Every person in our district now has their own RCSD Google account, staff and students, and our department (Instructional Technology) has really been pushing all to use these account for many different things. We have immersed ourselves into the Google world so we have all been trying to learn as much about all the different tools that they have.
As I said, I look forward to participating in Cool Tools again this year, especially after having looked through the very extensive list of Things! First thing is first though - I need to now play with my new Blogger to customize it and make it cool looking... :)